Friday, July 17, 2009

Game of Death (1978)

Just another film where Bruce Lee kicks the bad guys' asses.

Rating: 6.5/10

The Good:

-It's always entertaining to see Bruce Lee kick Ass.

-So the movie isn't all that great but it's his last one and the last few fighting sequences are worth it.

-This is the one with the yellow jumpsuit, all other films are of him usually wearing a same outfit throughout the whole film so we get to see a bigger wardrobe.

-For those who can't tell a difference between Asians, then this might not be such a bad film (you will understand in the below section)

The Sucketh:

-A lot of things..mainly because Bruce Lee is actually only in some scenes that last no more than 5 minutes of the movie. (That's right, for those of you who didn't know he's not in this film. They did film more than half of it with him but the company 'misplaced' a bunch of their stuff and so most of it got lost, Bruce Lee died and the the entire movie is using stunt doubles that wear sunglasses or don't face the screen or simply are too far away for you to be able to see if that really is him or not. When they do show shots of him it is of close ups from his other films. The only real part of him in this film is near the very end, where he is with the jumpsuit- which explains why it's so popular)

here is a perfect example of what had been done in this film (which is quite interesting as it shows it could lead way to new thing where people can create whole films just by editing and re-editing existing movies and create new ones with actors that are long gone, and then once technology gets even further, the actors could be made with CG animatoin but more realistic looking ooooh who knows): a fake movie trailer that is made up of bits and pieces of other films.

-I don't know if this is good or bad but it's weird. They showed Bruce Lee's actual funeral in this film.

-For those convinced that Brandon Lee (Bruce Lee's son) was killed not by accident, this film seems to a foreshadowing to his death if anything, gave the killer an idea.

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